Behind-the-scenes stories of how internationally trained lawyers build their career in the U.S. and worldwide
Season 5: Episode 2: Paula Marques Merlin
Contracts Manager at American Structurepoint
How to get a job as a LLM in a consulting firm?
Season 5: Episode 6: Fernanda Flores
Director at International Center for Dispute Resolution in Los Angeles
How to get a job in international dispute resolution as a LLM?
Season 5: Episode 8: Eva Paloma Treves
Senior Associate at Foley Hoag LLP in New York City
How did she land a job in BigLaw as a LLM?
Season 5: Episode 9: Vayuna Gupta
Legal and Policy Advisor at Global Rights for Women
How to get a job in public interest law as a LLM?
Season 4: Episode 4: Aura Guerrero
Legal Advisor on Food and Nutrition Policy at Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
How can you leverage a BigLaw internship to transition into public interest law?
Season 4: Episode 5: Ezequiel Carman
Global Regulatory Operations and Policy Manager, Carrot near Chicago
How to land an in-house job as a global health law LLM?
Season 3: Episode 3: Paula Redondo Pereira
Head of Regulatory Affairs at Luxembourg Stock Exchange
How did she get the top law job at a global talent hub?
Season 3: Episode 4: Alyanna Apacible
Legal Researcher at International Association of Privacy Professionals
How to find a job in the U.S. as a Tech Law LLM?
Season 3: Episode 8: Katya Hazard
Managing Director, K2 Integrity
How to network and land your first job at BigLaw?
Season 3: Episode 9: Miki Kinoshita
Dual-Licensed Corporate and Securities Attorney in Japan and NY
How did she manage to pass the bar as an internationally trained lawyer (and a mom of two toddlers)?
Season 2: Episode 9: Allan Achesa Maleche
Human Rights Lawyer and Global Health Expert
How to change the world as an international human rights lawyer?
Season 1: Episode 5: Eve Perez Torres
When Eve moved to the U.S. from Colombia and started law school at the age of 34, she studied part time while raising a child. Today she is the Senior Attorney at FedEx working on legal and regulatory matters.