Behind-the-scenes stories of how internationally trained lawyers build their career in the U.S. and worldwide
Season 5 Premiere: Steven Wang
Attorney at Paul, Weiss LLP and Lecturer at Harvard Law School
How to make it in BigLaw and teach at Harvard Law School?
Season 5: Episode 4: Furaha Joy Sekai Saungweme
International human rights lawyer
How to change the world as an internationally trained lawyer?
Season 5: Episode 9: Vayuna Gupta
Legal and Policy Advisor at Global Rights for Women
How to get a job in public interest law as a LLM?
Season 4: Episode 3: Samar Jha
Government Affairs Director at AARP
How to get a job in public policy and legislative advocacy as an LLM?
Season 4: Episode 4: Aura Guerrero
Legal Advisor on Food and Nutrition Policy at Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
How can you leverage a BigLaw internship to transition into public interest law?
Season 4: Episode 5: Ezequiel Carman
Global Regulatory Operations and Policy Manager, Carrot near Chicago
How to land an in-house job as a global health law LLM?
Season 4: Episode 7: Giovanna E Gismondi
Visiting Associate Professor at George Washington University Law School
How to become a law professor as an internationally trained lawyer?
Season 4: Episode 9: Liting Zhu
Consultant at the World Bank
How to land jobs at the World Bank and IFC as a LLM?
Season 3: Episode 3: Paula Redondo Pereira
Head of Regulatory Affairs at Luxembourg Stock Exchange
How did she get the top law job at a global talent hub?
Season 3: Episode 4: Alyanna Apacible
Legal Researcher at International Association of Privacy Professionals
How to find a job in the U.S. as a Tech Law LLM?
Season 3: Episode 5: Helen Winter
Assistant Professor of Law and Practice at Pepperdine University School of Law
How to become a law professor as an internationally trained lawyer?
Season 2: Episode 9: Allan Achesa Maleche
Human Rights Lawyer and Global Health Expert
How to change the world as an international human rights lawyer?
Season 1: Episode 6: Gabriela Rendon
Gabriela first came to the U.S. to pursue her career as a professional dancer with Martha Graham School in New York City. Fluent in English, Spanish and French, she studied law in Argentina and France. Eventually she found her calling in public interest law at Gender Equality Law Center.
Season 1: Episode 9: Ophelia Kemigisha
Ophelia Kemigisha , a human rights lawyer from Uganda is known for her activist work in feminism and LGBTQ rights.
S1: Bonus Episode: Claudio A. Klaus Jr
Meet Claudio A. Klaus Jr, a LinkedIn influencer and a law student from Brazil. He built a network of 9,000 LinkedIn followers under 6 months.